I always jump at the opportunity to attend the many fashionable events that Columbus has to offer. From Fashion Week Columbus to the Easton Fashion Night, I am usually always in attendance.
Fab Five
{The remnants of our summer vacation: salt water taffy} I know its been a while since I posted my weekly Fab Five post (I’m sorry!). Things have been extremely busy since I got back from vacation and I can’t seem…
Back to Reality: Vacation Diary Pt. 3
{The houses on Ocean Blvd. were all beautiful but this one was the most unique and I absolutely loved the color} The saying, “Every good thing must come to an end” bugs me! I am pretty sure it has something…
Back to Reality: Vacation Diary Pt. 2
{Summer sunsets are like no other// Barefoot Landing} So here we are, another week has begun which means my vacation is becoming more of a distant memory (until the next one, that is!)in my mind. As the air here at home…
Back to Reality: Vacation Diary Pt. 1
{Not a bad way to kick off the first day at the beach} I’m baaaaaack! In case you were wondering if I fell off the face of the earth, I didn’t! I would instead like to think of it as a…
My Accessory Addiction
Forever 21 has long been one of my favorite stores. I love how affordable and trendy their clothing and accessories are! As of the last couple years they have even started to include cute knickknacks and trinkets to decorate your…
Fab Five
{A good book and a cup of coffee is how I start my Saturday mornings} I would be lying if I said that I did not thoroughly enjoy this past week. Between the canoe trip with my sister and nephews…
Fab Five
{My favorite go-to summer shade of lipstick, MAC-Heroine} As much as I love for my work weeks to fly by, this week in particular has gone by extremely fast! Though I am not complaining, it just makes me sad to…
Local Love: Thrifty Chic
One of my favorite things to do on a Saturday afternoon is to go shopping, as I mentioned here before! So you can imagine my excitement when I came across this adorable thrift shop, Thrifty Chic, that is right down…
Fab Five
{One of my favorite summer food combinations: pulled pork & Mac-n-cheese} I can’t believe we are entering into August this weekend! Where has the summer gone!? As most people begin to get the blues thinking about going back to school…
Balsamic & Watermelon Salad
There is something so refreshing about a crisp salad on a hot summer day. On those especially hot days, like this past weekend, I tend to crave them! This weekend Drew and I decided that we were going to make…
Fab Five
{The essentials for a day spent poolside} I am usually all about time management and do a really good job of juggling it all each and every week but for whatever reason I failed horribly this week. I had all…