This past weekend I made a trip to the local farmer’s market right down the street from my house and I came across the coolest little shop and I simply (get that?) had to share my findings with you!
Fab Five
{Lovely vintage plates given to me from my mother with the most intricate details} Its hard to believe that we are already wrapping up the second week of June! The year is flying by and my summer ‘To-Do’ list…
Broccoli Salad
Even though the Summer doesn’t technically start until June 21st I am already craving all those delicious foods that remind me of the warm summer nights dining on my patio.
Fab Five
{A reminder that hangs in my ‘cl-office’ that I reaffirm everyday} Remember how I said that I was going to devote last weekend to some much needed R&R? Well that didn’t happen and I am pretty disappointed with myself! How…
Vintage Jewelry Stand
Since moving into our new home I now have my own space in which I call my “Cl-office”. This is where my closet meets my office, or is it the other way around?! Since having this extra space, my mind has…
Fab Five
{Huntington Park ballpark sign that is so perfectly illuminated during an evening game} I always love holiday weekends but it seems so much more difficult to get back into the swing of things after that extra day off. Maybe for…
{Dress: Old Navy/ Shoes: Target (old)/Purse: Kooba/ Watch: Citizens Eco Drive/Sunglasses: Target (0ld)} I have been on the hunt for a cute chambray dress that I could wear during the spring and summer months but have been unsuccessful. Either they…
A Field of Heroes
There is something so moving about seeing thousands of lined flags blowing in the wind. The Field of Heroes is a tribute that is set up every year to memorialize the fallen soldiers who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for…
Fab Five
{I can’t seem to resist a good stadium pretzel every now and then} Have you ever had one of those weeks where you can’t seem to find enough hours in each day to do everything you need to do? Well…
Fab Five
{The perfect way to my heart, a spring bouquet of beautiful flowers from Drew} I always remember my parents saying how time seemed to go by so quickly. I never understood what they meant by that because we all shared the…
To The Strongest Woman I Know
I still remember like it was yesterday when I was in the delivery room with my sister when she gave birth to my youngest nephew. I remember feeling so many emotions as I watched him take his first breathe and…
My Weekly Fab Five
{A mercury glass artichoke inspired decor piece that has found its home on my end table in the living room} So you are probably wondering what this post might be about, sadly, for any sports fan reading this, it…