{Not a bad way to kick off the first day at the beach}
I’mĀ baaaaaack! In case you were wondering if I fell off the face of the earth, I didn’t! I would instead like to think of it as a much needed vacation/ break from technology. The world that we live in today is all about being connected and whether it is through email, Facebook or some other form of digital media, and it is nice to simply take a break from it all. Now, let me clarify that I did not intend to take as long of a break as I did but because of some unforseen circumstances (a.k.a- a vicious lightening storm that knocked out my entire cable and internet for several days) it made it extremely difficult to jump back into my routine when I got home. So here we are in the first full week of September; Labor Day festivites are behind me and I feel like I am somewhat caught up on my work (key word being, somewhat) and ready to share my fun getaway with you all! Since I took hundreds (no, lie!) of pictures,Ā it did take some time to go through and choose the ones I absolutely loved to share with all of you. I will be breaking these up in a few parts so I do not overload you with pictures galore! I hope you enjoy my picture diary of our vacation to Myrtle Beach and it can inspire you to plan a getaway for yourself! While I am sad to be back to reality, I am so happy to be back to blogging!!
{My happy place}
{Drew getting ready to dive in, of course I was following right behind him! We love the water!}
{Sorry so grainy, iPhone pic! This was our first night at the beach and we wereĀ just getting back from dinner}
{We grabbed dinner at the Flying Fish Market the first night we arrived;Ā the food and service was amazing!}
{Have you ever regretted your dinner decision because your Fiances looked so much better? Yeah, me too!}
{Every year, same spot! They never disappoint and the accommodations are great!}
{The parking garage across the street even provided a wonderful view}
{Please tell me I’m not the only one who sets up my hotel room like I am moving in?!}
Stay tuned for part two of my vacation diary coming up soon!!
Love all your posts…..looking forward to more vacation pics.
More are coming later today!