Raise your hand if you get major eye strain behind the computer! I’m ashamed to admit how long I’m in front of a computer some days. Between my 9-5 and then another 1-2 hours behind my laptop at home, my eyes legit burn by the time my head hits my pillow.
I should also mention that I have an eye condition in my left eye called keratoconus. Simply put, my cornea is thinning causing major distortion, a.k.a my vision is majorly blurred in that eye. Thank the God above that my right eye has good vision overall but this diagnosis has come with a myriad of eye appointments and special contact lens fittings.
Because I have a special eye and have to wear a hybrid contact lens {google it, its not fun,} my eyes feel worn out sometimes. But what am I supposed to do when my job {both my day job and my side hustle} require me to be in front of this darn computer?

Enter Blue Blocking Lenses.
Blue blocking lenses have been life-changing for me. Since I have to wear a special contact in my eye, regular prescription eyeglasses don’t cut it, but I needed something to cut the blue light that is emitted from my laptop and phone screen. These lenses have no prescription so I can still wear my contacts with no issue.

So what’s the best part you ask? These blue blocking lenses literally take away the strained feeling from my eyes almost immediately after I put them on but more than that, they offer some other benefits too! Shall we take a look…
- Blue blocking lenses help you fall asleep easier. Simply put, too much blue light exposure throughout the day and into the evening can completely disrupt your circadian rhythm by slowing or completely stopping the production of melatonin. We all need our beauty sleep and this is a sure-fire way to mess that up!
- They reduce eye strain. Literally. My. Eyes. Are. Tired. Typing. This. because of eye fatigue. It’s no joke but with the blue blockers, that eye fatigue and strain is minimal.
- Might slow or prevent age-related macular degeneration. While the studies are still preliminary, it’s said that blue light pentrates your eye all the way to the retina but blue blocking lenses can mitigate the potential damage that could cause problems later in life.
- *This is a bonus* They are hella cute! Whether you’re a guy or girl, you can rock the hell out of these lenses. With all the shapes and styles that are popping up on the market, you can easily have a different pair with every look! {I know I want more!}

I’ve linked several stylish blue blockers for you to check out. I personally love these. With the amount of time we are in front of our screens, we all should be wearing these. We only get one set of eyes, we ought to take care of them as best we can. Plus who doesn’t look extra smart or sexy behind a cute pair of specs!